Chocolate That Won’t Wreck Your Resolutions

We’re a few weeks into January–how are you doing with your New Year’s resolutions?

If you are trying to eat better but missing your favorite treats, you might be interested in how I work chocolate into my healthy living plan.

I like to have a chocolate protein shake before I workout with weights:

This is the best protein powder I’ve tried. There is no icky aftertaste and one scoop has only 110 calories. Dump a scoop in a blender with a scant cup of water and a bit of crushed ice and the result is yummy chocolatey goodness.

Depending on how hungry I am in the afternoon, I may have a 140 calorie Chocolate Brownie Cliff Z-Bar:

(look how I tore into that box!)

or a 190 calorie Chocolate Peppermint Stick Luna Bar:

These taste like a big, satisfying Thin Mint. Yum!

On weekends or for an evening snack, I often have a Double Chocolate VitaMuffin:

(I prefer the full-sized muffins to the muffin tops, and don’t like the brownies at all.)
The VitaMuffins are frozen, and 15 seconds in the microwave defrosts and warms them–I love how the chocolate chips on top get all melty and gooey (all for only 100 calories).

Now, these are all good chocolatey treats, but when I need a dose of the real thing, I don’t mess around:

90% cocoa may be too much for most people, but I really like it. It certainly is something to savor slowly, and I never really even want more than one square. I have to be careful about enjoying this at night, though, because I swear it can keep me awake!

Have you tried any of these chocolate concoctions?

What is your favorite way to enjoy chocolate?

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11 Responses to Chocolate That Won’t Wreck Your Resolutions

  1. angela says:

    Yum. I need to find those peppermint Luna bars, that sounds
    so good! I’m a bit of a muscle milk addict, it tastes so good in
    almond milk.

  2. i absolutely LOVE the chocolate vita tops! they are awesome! my hubby isn’t a fan, so that just means more for me! 🙂

  3. RealHealthy says:

    Just browsing through blogs, enjoying yours so far, thank you.

    LOVE the cliff Z bars. Their Mojo bars are great too. I also take the Viactive Calcium supplements in chocolate and caramel. Best way to take Calcium and is enough to satisfy a temporary chocolate craving!

  4. These days I am a fan of the really good quality dark chocolate (I like the kind with a touch of sea salt or chile pepper). You don’t need much to be really satisfied! I also like a sprinkle of the Kashi cocoa beach granola on my yogurt!

  5. Simply Life says:

    I love a piece of dark chocolate after dinner!

  6. I love the chocolate chip Z bars! Also dark chocolate is just plain AWESOME!

  7. I have to say, of all those choices, the Lindt looks best to me :).

  8. T says:

    I’m with Karen, I like the Lindt sea salt and pepper chocolate bars. A little square goes a long way to satisfy that craving!

  9. Pingback: Going On The Road Without Going Off Your Fitness Progam | Running With Perseverence

  10. Best friends don’t ask you: “Is something wrong?”Best friends ask you: “Whats wrong?”.

  11. Basilia Edes says:

    I am wondering if there is any plans to release “Vigil” on American DVD? This is a film I would love to revisit again and again.

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