What Do You Get To Do Today?

One of the essays in Kristin Armstrong’s book, “Mile Markers” that really struck a chord with me is “I Get To,” in the chapter on “Gratitude.” It relates to the importance of the terminology we use in our every day lives, and the profound impact of replacing our “I have to”s with “I get to”s. 

Do you have to get up at o’dark-thirty to drag yourself to the gym, or do you get to start your day with a great spin class?

Do you have to face hill intervals, sprint intervals and cross-training, or do you get to push yourself past your comfort zone and learn just how strong you really are?

Do you have to spend an hour at a crowded yoga class, or do you get to treat yourself to an hour of stretching, strengthening and mindful breathing?

That I should treasure my opportunities to exercise hit me even more when I heard an NPR story about an imprisoned Chinese dissident. So random, I know, but the story mentioned that he was allowed outside for one hour a day to exercise. (Exercise must really be important for our well-being if a country so infamous for its poor record on human rights still gives prisoners an hour a day for exercise.) I bet he looks forward to that time every day and makes the most of it to the best of his abilities.

Now that I am recovering from my ITB/glute/piriformis issue, I am looking forward to getting to do more challenging workouts. I can’t wait until I’m confident enough of my recovery to get back to speed intervals. (Like these treadmill interval routines from Laura @ MommyRunFast.)  I can’t wait until I’m strong enough to try a CrossFit workout. (Like this one from Carrie @ FamilyFitnessFood.) I can’t wait until I can cut back on my physical therapy exercises and make more time for yoga again (but probably never as much time as Carla spent at this yoga workshop!).

What do you get to do today?

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13 Responses to What Do You Get To Do Today?

  1. MizFit says:

    oh. thank you for this.
    Im woman enough to admit I did hot yoga for my BOD yesterday and whined about it to the husband.
    I realllly dont enjoy. my BOD SO NEEDS.
    I need to reframe my thinking…

  2. Laura says:

    Love that way of reframing our thinking! I haven’t read Mile Markers, but I used to follow her blog and always enjoyed Kristin’s writing. Glad you’re feeling good and “get to” workout harder again soon!

    • Coco says:

      I found the book a bit much to take as a book — it would have been better doled out over time in blog postings — but some of her essays really stuck with me!

  3. Yum Yucky says:

    Great points! Words have power. We’re setting ourselves up for greater success when we choose our words wisely. As for my own running, I don’t know what’s gotten into me lately with all this running I’m doing. I’m seriously looking forward to my next run. I can’t wait to go forth and conquer the pavement.

  4. Okay, wow. Such a simple shift in perspective and question…but what a difference! I love it!

  5. super post 🙂 thank you!

  6. David H. says:

    I know you can’t wait to run outside when it’s really cold this winter!! 😉

  7. I should pick that book up again and reread some of it. Though I think for the most part I usually look forward to my workouts!

  8. Carrie says:

    Great post! Oooh, and there’s my name in lights 🙂

    I agree that it’s all in the presentation. I *get* to workout, not I *have* to workout. Makes all the difference.

  9. runwiki says:

    I always love your posts, I can so relate. Mile Markers is my “go to” for running motivation. The essence of life, to be grateful, yes?

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